Tuesday 3 October
We had an attendance of 9 for this club night devoted to business matters. We started with a minute’s silence in memory of one of our long standing and supportive members, Jimmy McGhee, who after a long period of declining health had passed away. It was agreed that we would present a wreath at the funeral.
We had a general discussion on which local community Xmas Fairs that we should attend with a stall, bearing in mind our depleted membership. Cumnock Town Hall and Netherthird Community Centre were agreed, but New Cumnock will not be considered this year.
Our choice of the Honeypot Respite Centre for our main charity fund-raising efforts is gaining recognition and support among other Rotary Clubs in our area.
Our chairman, Jim Kyle, raised the question of our toasts at the end of our club meetings. It was agreed to take a vote on this, and the majority was for continuing with a combined vote for the King and Rotary International.
The raffle was won by John Swanson.
Wednesday 4 October
This was the night of the Annual Quiz organised by Hunterston Rotary in the Lauriston Hall, Ardrossan. We had mustered 2 teams and there were about 15 to 20 teams in all.
The questions were “testing” but although we did not win (or come close!), we did not disgrace ourselves. The catering arrangements were not as good or efficient as last year and extended the time spent on it. To compensate one or two of us won a prize in the raffle. Generally a good night but lessons for ourselves if we are going to host a quiz in our own area.
Friday 13 October
There was a good representation from our club at the funeral of Jimmy McGhee, which was held in St John’s Church in Cumnock and burial in the local cemetery. The church was packed with family, friends, associates, and representatives of a variety of organisations and groups supported by Jimmy over many years. And at the cemetery there was an additional gathering of many individuals and groups who wanted to show their respect for one of their own. A “weel kent” figure who had contributed so much to community life.
Tuesday 17 October
Tonight we had 2 visiting Rotarians from Alloway, Bill Grant and Bill Campbell, and a potential new member, John Mould. Attendance was 12. We received a report on the Hunterston quiz and will pursue our hope/intention to host our own quiz sometime next year.
The possibility of a car Treasure Hunt will also be pursued. We have also received an offer from our MSP Carol Mochan to visit the Scottish Parliament some time in the future. The raffle was won by Jim Liddell.
Tuesday 31 October
We had a short business meeting to review matters already agreed. Potential dates for an area quiz night were looked at, around February or March next year. A games night for members was also thought about, but no date was proposed.
The reinstatement of a Ladies’ Only event as a fundraiser was proposed by Agnes and supported by members. Dates and venues are to be investigated. An “Elvis” themed compere has been approached and seems interested.
In the absence of an outside speaker Agnes Cowan gave a brief account of her working life in Banking. She joined the work force straight from school at the age of 16. Starting with the Royal Bank of Scotland where George Kerr was in charge in Cumnock, she then progressed by agreeing a move to Edinburgh. There she worked as a teller in Morningside and Portobello and eventually became lady supervisor.
At that time banking was dominated by males, who tended to set the agenda. In the mid 90s Agnes decided she was capable of doing their jobs, and she studied for and passed the banking exams. She then had spells back in Ayrshire at Dalmellington and latterly Catrine (for about 15 years). By this time the workforce had changed – most employees at all levels were women!
Agnes enjoyed her time in Banking – able to attend business events in Murrayfield and Vienna, and had no regrets when she decided to retire.
The raffle was won by Jim Kyle.