Tuesday 3 September

At this meeting we had 10 members and a guest of Jim Wilson.   We also had a fleeting appearance of a Rotarian and his wife on holiday from south of England, who had booked in to the hotel for a meal.   We exchanged greetings and comparative experiences of club membership and programmes, and wished each other well for the future.   The club raffle was won by Sylvia.


Business items covered were as follows:

- Car Treasure Hunt fixed for Sunday 29 September, and a target of 20 car loads

- We agreed to enter the Hunterston Quiz night in Ardrosssan on Friday 25 October, hopefully 2 teams

- Plans for a Burns Evening are to be discussed with the Dumfries Arms management

- Our involvement in the Christmas Fair in Netherthird centre has been confirmed

- After general discussion it was agreed to have 2 charities in mind for our fund raising activities this year, one local and one national (probably Polio Plus).


At the end of the meeting, Jim Wilson’s guest spoke for a few minutes to describe his activities in a broad way.   He has a police background in tackling organised crime, on both a local and national scale.   He did not reveal any secrets.


Tuesday 17 September

There was an attendance of 10 plus our speaker.   We had a brief report of a recent Segment Meeting, which highlighted a proposed Race Night.   The club raffle was won by Jim Wilson.

Our speaker was Kay McMeekin from the Cumnock History Group.   She used a projector and screen to supplement her verbal description.   The group was started in 2013 by an enthusiast, Bobby Grierson, using his own personal computer to set up a website.  Various themes and activities had been chosen to explore and present to the public.   These included – local miners rows with the coal extraction history, World War 1 memorials and medals, the Pennylands POW camp in World War 2, and local graveyards.   Membership fee is only £10, and further recruits would be welcome.


Sunday 29 September

This was the day of the club’s first Car Treasure Hunt for a few years     Only half the number of cars hoped for had signed up for the event, but enough to confirm the popularity of the afternoon out, and which can be built on for future attempts.

The area used was in the region of Muirkirk, and contestants were challenged to “find” items of local interest, with the help (or hindrance) of some anagrams.

The start had been at the Netherthird Community building, which provided catering at the end.   A review of the venture will be discussed  at future meetings.  


Monday Rambles

2 – Catrine - river walk

9 – Mauchline – Welton Farms road

16 – New Cumnock – the Lagoons (clockwise)

23 – Muirkirk – Institute eastward to Crossflat roads

30 -  Sanquhar – outskirts on eastern side

21:37, 15 Oct 2024 by David Perriman

Sunday 4 August

This was the day of the Croquet event at Barskimming, revived after a gap of a few years, because of COVID.   Jim Wilson was the organiser of the event, and had recruited helpers to lay out 3 pitches.   The other activities on offer were putting and boules.

Club members were involved in the erection of a mini marquee for use by the caterer who had provided a cold buffet plus tea or coffee, and setting up chairs on floorboards for the comfort of participants.   Treasurer Agnes Cowan with 2 helpers was in charge of collecting entry fees and raffle takings.

Most of the attendees took part in the croquet contests, a few tried the putting but nobody bothered with the boules.   The day had started dry but in the later

stages of the croquet, light showers dampened the overall enthusiasm and the enjoyment.   The buffet was a welcome relief to all.  

The winners were rewarded, the raffle winners picked up their prizes, and most people seemed to be satisfied with the days proceedings.   The turnout was lower than hoped for, possibly affected by the weather conditions, but it showed that there is still some interest in the event.   We can plan for next year with greater confidence.


Tuesday 6 August 

At our regular meeting we had an attendance of 11 plus a speaker.   We had a brief report of a recent segment meeting in Ayr attended by club officers, at which 2 projects were promoted – the River Garden at Auchincruive, which is a rehab project, and the Peace Pole at Allanton Peace Sanctuary.   Clubs were also encouraged to explore Corporate Memberships, to expand Rotary involvement in their area.   Members agreed to donate the proceeds of our Croquet event to the Honey Pot Charity.

Our speaker was Angela Iver, coordinator of Release, a local charity aimed at mainly young men struggling with behavioural and mental health problems, which too often lead to suicide.   Friendly intervention is offered, promoted by notice boards in prominent positions in public spaces.   Problems could be unemployment, substance abuse, housing needs etc.   The charity is funded by the National Lottery to employ a worker for 16 hours a week, and relies heavily on volunteers to offer their time and resources.

The club raffle was won by Gerald Alexander.


Tuesday 20 August

At this fortnightly meeting, we had ADG Hazel McNulty who brought to our attention a Rotary Club Auction Night in Ayr in November, and invited our club to be involved.   Attendance was 13 and the club raffle was won by Barbara Goudie-Bradford.

Our speaker was Mercy McEwen who told us about a venture to bring young people to a setting where they would be among real live horses.   This is at the Fossilfield Racing College, which is based at a former coal bing site, Berryhill, just outside Auchinleck.   There are 10 horses here, 4 of which are former racing horses, and the venture has developed over 20 years.

Youngsters can gain experience, confidence and learn coping skills.   Mercy described the present situation as bursting at the seams, increasing demand, accessibility problems, involvement of parents and volunteers, need for transport etc.   As a not-for-profit social enterprise, any offers of help would be appreciated.


Monday Rambles

August 5 – Netherthird – Caponacre

August 12 – Cumnock – Dumfries House

August 19 – Sorn – Plantation walk

August 26 – New Cumnock – Afton Dam   

21:35, 15 Oct 2024 by David Perriman

Club Report – July 2024

Tuesday 9 July

There were 11 members at this first meeting of the Rotary new year with 2 absences.   We were informed that Peter Shipton had unfortunately decided to cease his membership due to his ill health.   We wish him well for the future.

It was agreed that the club membership fee would remain at £150 per annum and members were asked to pay their fees promptly, whether by a lump sum or by monthly instalments.   Agnes our treasurer also informed us that Troon Rotary had contributed £2000 to the Honeypot Charity Appeal.

These business items were followed by a Job Talk by one of our new members, John Mould.   John’s time at school had been limited.   He left at the age of 14 from a school which had no exams and therefore no qualifications.   He had a period in military uniform before shifting to a life on the sea in the Merchant Navy, which he thoroughly enjoyed travelling the world.

He then took advantage of an increased expansion of services for young people which was promoted by a government report (Albemarle).   In England Leicester was the hub of activity in promoting this expansion and approach, and after a period of training John developed a real and lasting commitment to Outdoor Education.

He had a variety of jobs in different settings starting in Stranraer, then Aberdeen, Dyce, Moray and Dumfries before taking early retirement.   He had a spell on a part-time basis with Community Education in Glasgow before becoming a group leader in Switzerland as a Ski Instructor.

Now in retirement he continues to lead a walking group on Tuesdays, in addition to participating in our own walking group on Mondays, where his experience and knowledge has been much appreciated

The club raffle was won by Dave Perriman.

Tuesday 23 July

Neither Secretary Dave nor Treasurer Agnes was available for this meeting.   Their duties were shared.   President Jim Kyle informed members that he had been asked by local community activists if the Rotary Club would take an active part in an outdoor community event proposed for Woodroad Park in Cumnock this summer.   Doubts were raised about the organisation of the event, and members generally felt that with holiday commitments and lack of time to prepare for the event would make it difficult to support this year.

Arrangements for our Croquet event were further discussed.   Jim Wilson reported that so far 41 people had shown interest in attending, and replies from some others were awaited.

New member Martin Pond gave some information about a local project which the club might want to hear more about.   This is the Fossilfield Training Centre at Auchinleck which allows young people to care for and work with ex Racing Horses and ponies, which also contributes to the health and well-being of the young carers.   We could arrange a visit or invite a speaker to the club.

Su Dutta stated that she is going through the process of identifying and contacting potential speakers.   The club raffle was won by Jim Kyle.


July 1 – Cumnock – Dumfries House
July 8 – Cumnock – Dumfries House
July 15 -New Cumnock – Corsencon
July 22 – No walk
July 29 -  Auchinleck – down to and along Lugar Water

11:11, 06 Aug 2024 by David Perriman


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